
8" Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl, Heart Chakra, F note

This bowl activates the heart or "anahata chakra" responsible for feelings of love.

It activates the air element enhancing respiration/breath and the circulation of cosmic energy called prana throughout your body, mind and spirit. Many religions claim that this is the soul's abode and that through tapping into our hearts we can enter the kingdom of Heaven.

Toning the bowl over the chest or hearby the chest on the ground will help to opne this heart area. The healing tones go right into the physical heart and lungs and stimulate healing. Excellent for cutting depleting energy cords to past relationships, events or people. See stagnant energy leave and feel healthy vibrancy return. Its size makes it perfect for hand-held space clearing of rooms in homes or businesses. When played over the heart it rests easily upon the chest and can be held by the person receiving.

Item No: OB1.8  $179.00