
Click to hear the sound of this Om Bowl

This bowl activates the heart or "anahata chakra" responsible for feelings of love.

It activates the air element enhancing respiration/breath and the circulation of cosmic energy called prana throughout your body, mind and spirit. Many religions claim that this is the soul's abode and that through tapping into our hearts we can enter the kingdom of Heaven.

Toning the bowl over the chest or hearby the chest on the ground will help to opne this heart area. The healing tones go right into the physical heart and lungs and stimulate healing. Excellent for cutting depleting energy cords to past relationships, events or people. See stagnant energy leave and feel healthy vibrancy return. Because of its size this bowl is excellent for hand-held space clearing of rooms in homes or offices, for yoga classes, massage practitioners, psychologists...

Item No: OB1.6 Item No: OB1.6

This size bowl is excellent for hand-held space clearing of rooms in homes or offices and is awesome for massage practitioners, yoga or meditation.

Because of its lightness you can play it and sweep the bowl along your body simultaneously, cleansing the aura and organs. See stagnant energy leave your body and feel healthy vibrancy return. Call to inquire on available notes. 877-269-1382.

Item No: OB1.00   $159.00

This bowl is light enough to carry around your home or office and clear the space with the tones.

This bowl activates your water element, the sexuality center or "swadistana chakra" that's responsible for healthy sexuality, social relations and elimination. Place the bowl over the lower abdomen above the pubic bone and tone for a friend. The tones gently massage the sexual organs, kidneys, bowel, bladder, and all abdominal organs.

It feels great, restores strength to these organs and removes toxic gunk. You can also place between the legs at the base of the spine and have a friend tone the bowl for you. Feel your organs and your sexual energy being renewed and cleansed See stagnant energy leaving and feel healthy vibrancy returning.

Item No: OB1 $169.00

Click to hear the sound of this Om Bowl

This bowl activates the heart or "anahata chakra" responsible for feelings of love.

It activates the air element enhancing respiration/breath and the circulation of cosmic energy called prana throughout your body, mind and spirit. Many religions claim that this is the soul's abode and that through tapping into our hearts we can enter the kingdom of Heaven.

Toning the bowl over the chest or hearby the chest on the ground will help to opne this heart area. The healing tones go right into the physical heart and lungs and stimulate healing. Excellent for cutting depleting energy cords to past relationships, events or people. See stagnant energy leave and feel healthy vibrancy return.

Item No: OB1.5 $199.00

This bowl resonates with the third eye, "ajna chakra." It helps open your mind to seeing your life vision and purposes.

It also helps clear clutter from the frontal thinking mind to prepare for guidance or meditation. Place above the head and have a friend play the bowl to tune up your mind/brain function. Or, place on the abdomen and tone up the vital organs with a friend. See stagnant energy leaving and healthy vibrancy returning.

Item No: OB3 $189.00

Click to hear the sound of this Om Bowl

This bowl activates your crown "sahashara chakra", the origin or cosmic life-generating energies that nourish your body.

It helps unleash your natural inspiration and visionary genius, especially through the means of your in-born creativity. Place above the head and have a friend tone the bowl for you. Feel the crown opening and getting massaged. Or, place on the abdomen and tone up the vital organs with a friend. See stagnant energy leaving and feel healthy vibrancy returning.

Item No: OB4 $189.00

Click to hear the sound of this Om Bowl

This bowl activates your root or "muladhara chakra" that's responsible for helping you feel grounded and connected to earth and your body.

It also helps open you to living without fear. Toning with this bowl and using positive affirmation/visualization can help break negative patterns of fear. Place between the legs at the base of the spine have a friend tone the bowl for you. Feel the base of the spine opening and being supported with life-nourishing energy. Also, place on the abdomen and tone up the vital organs with a friend. See stagnant energy leaving and feel healthy vibrancy returning.

Item No: OB5 $169.00

This bowl activates your water element, the sexuality center or "swadistana chakra" that's responsible for healthy sexuality, social relations and elimination.

Place the bowl over the lower abdomen above the pubic bone and tone for a friend. The tones gently massage the sexual organs, kidneys, bowel, bladder, and all abdominal organs. It feel great, restores strength to these organs and removes toxic gunk. You can also place between the legs at the base of the spine and have a friend tone the bowl for you. Feel your organs and your sexual energy being renewed and cleansed See stagnant energy leaving and feel healthy vibrancy returning.

Item No: OB6 $189.00

This bowl activates the will-power or "manipura chakra" responsible for digestion and seeing things through to completion.

It activates the fire element enhancing metabolism, proper digestion of food and assimilation of nutrients. Place over the abdominal organs over the belly button and tone with a friend. Excellent for overall healing and health as all vital organs are strengthened. Helps to cut negative energy cords to draining emotions, experiences, or people. See stagnant energy leave and feel healthy vibrancy return.

Item No: OB9 $189.00

This bowl activates the heart or "anahata chakra" responsible for feelings of love. It activates the air element enhancing respiration/breath and the circulation of cosmic energy called prana throughout your body, mind and spirit.

Many religions claim that this is the soul's abode and that through tapping into our hearts we can enter the kingdom of Heaven. Toning the bowl over the chest or hearby the chest on the ground will help to opne this heart area.

The healing tones go right into the physical heart and lungs and stimulate healing. Excellent for cutting depleting energy cords to past relationships, events or people. See stagnant energy leave and feel healthy vibrancy return.

Item No: OB10 $259.00

This bowl resonates with the third eye, "ajna chakra." It helps open your mind to seeing your life vision and purposes.

It also helps clear clutter from the frontal thinking mind to prepare for guidance or meditation. Place above the head and have a friend play the bowl to tune up your mind/brain function.

Or, place on the abdomen and tone up the vital organs with a friend. See stagnant energy leaving and healthy vibrancy returning. Because of its size this bowl is also quite good for harmonizing small gatherings, it's useful for meditation, yoga, personal speaking engagements...

Item No: OB7 $209.00

This bowl activates your root or "muladhara chakra" that's responsible for helping you feel grounded and connected to earth and your body.

It also helps open you to living without fear. Toning with this bowl and using positive affirmation/visualization can help break negative patterns of fear. Place between the legs at the base of the spine have a friend tone the bowl for you. Feel the base of the spine opening and being supported with life-nourishing energy.

Also, place on the abdomen and tone up the vital organs with a friend. See stagnant energy leaving and feel healthy vibrancy returning.

Item No: OB11 $309.00

This bowl activates your water element, the sexuality center or "swadistana chakra" that's responsible for healthy sexuality, social relations and elimination.

Place the bowl over the lower abdomen above the pubic bone and tone for a friend. The tones gently massage the sexual organs, kidneys, bowel, bladder, and all abdominal organs. It feel great, restores strength to these organs and removes toxic gunk.

You can also place between the legs at the base of the spine and have a friend tone the bowl for you. Feel your organs and your sexual energy being renewed and cleansed See stagnant energy leaving and feel healthy vibrancy returning. This is an excellent size for group harmonization, yoga, meditation, manifesting, public speaking engagenments...

Item No: OB12 $309.00

This bowl activates the throat or "vishudda chakra" responsible for clear communication and being the bridge for the mind and heart and their successful communications with one another.

It activates the ether or space element. Excellent for stimulating creativity and one's natural voice. Place the bowl nearby the throat on the floor, or perhaps balance the bowl over the chest and tone with a friend.

The vocal cords, esophagus, lungs, brain, heart...all receive the strength of this healing sound. This strengthens the bridge between mind and heart, a bridge that is crucial for feeling balance and peace in life. See stagnant energy leave and feel healthy vibrancy return.

Item No: OB13 $309.00

This bowl activates your water element, the sexuality center or "swadistana chakra" that's responsible for healthy sexuality, social relations and elimination.

Place the bowl over the lower abdomen above the pubic bone and tone for a friend. The tones gently massage the sexual organs, kidneys, bowel, bladder, and all abdominal organs.

It feels great, restores strength to these organs and removes toxic gunk. You can also place between the legs at the base of the spine and have a friend tone the bowl for you. Feel your organs and your sexual energy being renewed and cleansed See stagnant energy leaving and feel healthy vibrancy returning. This large bowl is excellent for group harmonization, yoga, group meditations, public speaking engagements...

Item No: OB14 $379.00

This bowl activates your water element, the sexuality center or "swadistana chakra" that's responsible for healthy sexuality, social relations and elimination.

Place the bowl over the lower abdomen above the pubic bone and tone for a friend. The tones gently massage the sexual organs, kidneys, bowel, bladder, and all abdominal organs. It feel great, restores strength to these organs and removes toxic gunk.

You can also place between the legs at the base of the spine and have a friend tone the bowl for you. Feel your organs and your sexual energy being renewed and cleansed See stagnant energy leaving and feel healthy vibrancy returning. This large bowl is excellent for group harmonization, yoga, group meditations, public speaking engagements...

Item No: OB15 $599.00

This bowl activates the will-power or "manipura chakra" responsible for digestion and seeing things through to completion.

It activates the fire element enhancing metabolism, proper digestion of food and assimilation of nutrients. Place over the abdominal organs over the belly button and tone with a friend.

Excellent for overall healing and health as all vital organs are strengthened. Helps to cut negative energy cords to draining emotions, experiences, or people. See stagnant energy leave and feel healthy vibrancy return. Because of its size, this bowl is excellent for group harmonization, yoga, meditation, public speaking engagements...

Item No: OB16 $599.00

This bowl activates the heart or "anahata chakra" responsible for feelings of love.

It activates the air element enhancing respiration/breath and the circulation of cosmic energy called prana throughout your body, mind and spirit. Many religions claim that this is the soul's abode and that through tapping into our hearts we can enter the kingdom of Heaven.

Toning the bowl over the chest or hearby the chest on the ground will help to opne this heart area. The healing tones go right into the physical heart and lungs and stimulate healing. Excellent for cutting depleting energy cords to past relationships, events or people. See stagnant energy leave and feel healthy vibrancy return. Its size makes it perfect for hand-held space clearing of rooms in homes or businesses. When played over the heart it rests easily upon the chest and can be held by the person receiving.

Item No: OB1.8  $179.00